Saturday, March 31, 2012

Photo Board or A Board for bills

Since I have bought the "Almighty Staple Gun," my mind and hands have been extremely busy. I had a cork board in my kitchen to pin up bills and other things. I live with three other girls, so bills and notes need to be posted. So I came up with the idea to make my own photo board, but use it for bills. Things that you will need:

Quilting batting;
One yard of material (smaller or larger depending on the size of your hard surface);
A hard surface ( I used a pin board that was going to thrown away from work);
Ribbon that matches the material you bought;
The Almighty Staple Gun

Once you have gathered all of your supplies, match up the material and the quilting batting together and lay them down on a flat surface (ideally a table or floor). Take your hard surface and put it on top. Grab your staple gun, and staple the batting and material together to the back. Make sure you pull it tight. Once you have everything stapled, start laying out your ribbon in place, and staple the ends on the back. I took decorative push pins and put them in the middle of the ribbon to hold them down more.

Hanging your photo board:

I took frame wire and stapled it to the back as you can see in the finished picture. It is that easy!

Happy Pinning your photo's and bills!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Champaign Corks Become Kitchen Knobs

I live in apartment town-home complex; so lets get real, I am not going to live here forever. We all know that apartments are so blah, and if your apartment complex will let you, you can paint. Painting can cost though, maybe over $200 for the whole place. So for the last month I have been thinking what can I replace, I came up with the idea of replacing the knobs in my kitchen. I received a large amount of Champaign and wine corks, so instead of paying up to $10.00 for one knob, why not replace the knobs with Champaign corks. I only paid for the screws. I used 2 inch screws for the doors and 2.5 inch screws for the draws. Total cost: $7.00